Your Year in Perspective

Your personal story is about to conclude another chapter. Just like being engrossed in a good book, you don’t usually analyze the last chapter because you’re eager to discover what’s next.

Unlike a good book, you’re the author of your personal story. What twists and turns do you want in your future chapters?

During this time of year it’s common for many articles to focus on how to make next year door chartbetter and more productive.  Yet, so few encourage you to understand why this last year counts towards your personal story.

My challenge to you is to slow down and take a look at your calendars from the past year and list out the significant events – good and bad – and define why this last year mattered.

Well-Rounded Success’ first ever exercise is free and if you click this link, you’ll have access to print it to complete on your own.

Disclaimer: It’s important to Continue Reading