Legacy Planning Basics

There is an 89.65% chance that you won’t needThings to Do any of this advice until much later in life. One of youth’s benefits for most Americans is good health and an optimistic outlook on the future. According to a World Health Organization study in 2013, the probability of premature death for Americans aged between 15 to 60 years is 10.35% (13.0% for men and 7.7% for females). That means that 89.65% of Americans that reach age 15 will Continue Reading

Your Year in Perspective

Your personal story is about to conclude another chapter. Just like being engrossed in a good book, you don’t usually analyze the last chapter because you’re eager to discover what’s next.

Unlike a good book, you’re the author of your personal story. What twists and turns do you want in your future chapters?

During this time of year it’s common for many articles to focus on how to make next year door chartbetter and more productive.  Yet, so few encourage you to understand why this last year counts towards your personal story.

My challenge to you is to slow down and take a look at your calendars from the past year and list out the significant events – good and bad – and define why this last year mattered.

Well-Rounded Success’ first ever exercise is free and if you click this link, you’ll have access to print it to complete on your own.

Disclaimer: It’s important to Continue Reading

Favorites from September

September is nearing an end and this month proved eventful. Here are some other highlights from this last month:

  1. After almost a year of studying and passing numerous module tests, I’m now eligible to take the Certified Financial Planner (TM) exam. Now it’s time to really study!
  2. We introduced the new Well-Rounded Success logo and a graphic that displays the Well-Rounded Success model. Thank you to Jonathan Ronzio for his hard work. Check out his website to see his other work and how he can possibly help you.
  3. A good friend finished the Leadville 100 where he ran 100 miles of trails in Colorado in less than 24 hours! Well, this accomplishment took place in August but I still wanted to share my excitement. A future article will feature his story about how he accomplished this feat.

Denver YoungPro Elite: Second Chapter Meeting


YoungPro Elite kicked off our second Chapter Meeting and pushed our young professional participants to commit to writing down their personal vision and goals.

According to research Continue Reading

What is Well-Rounded Success?

Logo To no surprise, Thesaurus.com explains “Well-Rounded” as excellent. The British dictionary defines “Well-Rounded” as the adjective: full, varied, and satisfying a well-rounded life.

My motto, Well-Rounded Success, motivates me to live each day with purpose and intention. This phrase has inspired me to analyze what’s important to me over the last few months. It is my honor to explain this mission that motivates me and I hope to recruit some other like-minded people to join this journey towards Well-Rounded Success. Continue Reading

The Three Stages of Adulthood

A friend forwarded me information about an upcoming music festival which had one of my old favorite bands as the headliner. I looked at the link and had no desire to go. I quickly reflected, “That was a fun phase.”

My mindset has drastically shifted since those mosh pit days where I now enjoy going to see music with reserved seats. My twenty-year old self would call me out for being a square, but you know what twenty-year old Dan, I ENJOY BEING A SQUARE! I rather sit down and enjoy watching a band play with the Colorado Symphony than bash into other mosh pit participants.phases

Favorite vacation spots, hobbies, hair styles, music tastes, and other daily habits enter our lives with importance and then are nostalgically, or embarrassingly, reflected upon by our older selves.

As said by Dan Gilbert Continue Reading

How to Handle Yourself in a Crisis

lost“Why don’t we go to the last trail marker and then try to find the hut from there?” I asked.

“Because the hut is off the trail by .8 miles.”

This answer felt like a punch in the gut. At this moment, the snowfall picked up, we were exhausted after nine miles of hiking in the snow, the cloud cover caused the sky to get dark earlier, and our group couldn’t locate our shelter.  Being exposed in the wilderness with no easy access to civilization (or any other building to provide shelter) made our group vulnerable to the mountain. Continue Reading