Sayonara Roaring Twenties: Thirty Phrases for My Twenty-Year-Old Self

JohnLennonAnother decade marked off my personal timeline and this one included a tremendous amount of pain, growth, setbacks, happiness, triumph, frustration, and wisdom.

When I look back at my previous decade – from age ten through nineteen – I was naïve and reactionary to the world. There was a path set out for me and I followed that path. Get through school, play sports, participate in extra-curricular activities, and go along with whatever the family planned.

In 2005, I waved goodbye to that adolescent decade in a Continue Reading

Earn That Milestone!


What do you need to do to reach your milestone? You already know.

Goals, dreams, aspirations, and future accomplishments are in your sights, yet, so many of you let insecurity and uncertainty prevent you from taking necessary action. That very mindset plagues me as well. However, a commitment to persevere can motivate you to conquer one milestone after another.

Disclaimer: You won’t find any tricks in this writing which identify shortcuts to reach milestones any easier. You’ll only find principles to help you along the way. It’s your job to work hard so you can look back on that daunting task that proved challenging and know with pride that you earned that milestone! Continue Reading